For those British residents with gardens, there is a significant chance that you will also have a shed too. Whether it is full of gardening tools, bicycles, or sports gear, they are ubiquitous across the country and remain an essential garden utility.

While some of us will gladly use a shed without much consideration, stashing flower pots and garden hoses inside and then forgetting about them, failing to take due care will actually diminish the structure’s life much more quickly than you may realise. Since a popular use for garden sheds is storage, it is important to take proper care or else you may end up compromising the safety and quality of the items inside, such as tools and electrical goods.

When scrutinising your shed, assessing whether it is in need of replacing, there are a few essential factors your need to consider.

Does the Roof Leak?

If you shed’s roof has been compromised, letting rainfall creep through, then it not only fails to keep its content dry but it will also more quickly deteriorate as moisture will saturate the interior and cause a more rapid decay.

While being waterproof is an essential quality of a shed, a leak is not necessarily a reason to replace the entire structure. Instead, you may be able to simply replace the roof or cover it.

Have the Panels kept Their Integrity?

The majority of sheds share a similar design, with descending panels insulating the interior from the outdoor environment. If these panels become loose, you shed will lose its defence against weather and, importantly, pests.

Even if you do not store any food inside your shed, rodents and insects will be drawn to its safe and dry interior, meaning that the integrity of panels is important for both the structure and as a defence from infestation.

Is it Level?

When some people seek to replace their sheds, often with luxury alternatives, such as log cabins, they fail to check the ground beneath. Over time, especially in colder climates, sheds can sink into the ground or lose their balance. When this may not be extreme enough to immediately warrant a new shed, it can lead to substantial warping of the wood, which incurs other issues further down the line.

Regularly checking your shed’s balance is a good habit to get into and it can be as simple as attaching a spirit level to the interior wall.

Is it Functional?

If you find that your shed no longer accommodates your storage needs or that it isn’t functioning as you now intend, this may be a clear sign that it’s time to replace or upgrade your structure. In recent years, shed design and security has improved significantly and they have grown more diverse in style and more affordable.

So, if your shed no longer meets your needs, or you can imagine other potential uses for the space instead, then it might be time to reconsider the British garden staple and replace it with something more modern.